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Best innovation blogs 2020

Want to learn more about innovation

Easy to way to stay on the cutting edge of innovation is to start following some blogs. We wanted to save you some time by ranking the top innovation blogs. Instead of just basing the ranking in our opinion we wanted to be more systematic. Therefore we ranked the blogs according to their performance in the following 7 criteria

  • Organic keywords: the number of keywords the site of the blog ranks for in search (source: Ubersuggest)
  • Organic monthly traffic: the total estimated traffic the site of the blog gets considering its organic keywords (source: Ubersuggest)
  • Domain score: the overall strength of the site of the blog (source: Ubersuggest)
  • Backlinks: the number of incoming hyperlinks from other domains to the site of the blog (source: Ubersuggest)
  • Twitter authority: the retweet rate of users' last few hundred tweets and the recency of those tweets (source: Followerwonk)
  • Twitter followers: the number of followers the blog has in Twitter (source: Twitter)
  • Facebook authority: the number of Facebook shares and likes (source: SEO Review Tools)

Because it is more fun to have several winners we decided to name a winner for each of the above mentioned categories besides the overall winner. While collecting the data and browsing through the blogs we came up with two special categories too (this allowed us to name even more winners 😀!)

  • Engagement: how actively the blog author responds to comments
  • Fun: can innovation blog be fun? yes it can

If you want learn more about our methodology or have feedback about it, please feel free to contacts us.

But now on with the show: here are best innovation blogs 2020!!


Best innovation blog & highest Facebook authority & most Twitter followers: Steve Blank




Steve Blank was not only the overall winner of our ranking, but he was also #1 in terms of Facebook authority and Twitter following. Steve has developed the customer development method which is a key component in the  Lean Startup methodology.  He has as well a successful academic career: as he is an adjunct professor of entrepreneurship at Stanford, lectures at the UC Berkeley and is a senior fellow at Columbia University.

Recent popular posts

Startup Stock Options – Why A Good Deal Has Gone Bad

Is the Lean Startup Dead?


Most blog visitors: Idea to Value



f_logo_RGB-Blue_58   ideatovalue 

Idea to Value is a community that concentrates on improving people's ability to generate new ideas and turn them into successful innovations. They share insights in innovation management, psychology, neuroscience, art and leadership among the others. Idea to Value is run by Nick Skillicorn who is the chief editor and founder of the site


Best keyword ranking:


Twitter_Logo_Blue @IM_Innovation

f_logo_RGB-Blue_58    InnovationManagement is one of the best resources for innovation management news and best practices. The articles on the site are written by innovation professionals. This site is always looking for new articles in the field of innovation management. If you have an article you would like to contribute, you can do in their website.

Recent popular posts

5 Top Careers for Innovative Problem-Solvers

5 Business Innovators of 2019


Best engagement: Scott Berkun



f_logo_RGB-Blue_58   Scott Berkun

Scott Berkun is a bestselling author and speaker on creativity, culture and business. He’s the author of seven books and his latest book, The Dance of The Possible, was published in 2017. He currently finalizing his latest book How Design Makes The World. He posts weekly 2 - 3 times on his site and has published since 2003 over 1600 posts. 

Recent popular posts

How to run a brainstorming meeting

How Creative Friction Can Help Your Team


Most backlinks: IdeaConnection



LI-In-Bug IdeaConnection

f_logo_RGB-Blue_58   IdeaConnection

 youtube-1   IdeaConnection

IdeaConnection is a private Canadian company. It business is solving complex science or engineering challenges for corporate customers. The challenges are solved with carefully assembled teams of professionals. Each team works in a virtual space and is facilitated by experienced facilitator. They post to their blog up to ten times a month.

Recent popular posts

Godfathers of AI Win the Turing Award

Tokyo Olympic Games Open Innovation Challenge


Highest domain score: Innovate UK


Twitter_Logo_Blue @InnovateUK

LI-In-Bug InnovateUK

f_logo_RGB-Blue_58    InnovateUK

 youtube-1    InnovateUK

Innovate UK is part of UK Research and Innovation, a public organization funded by the UK government. It supports 
productivity and economic growth of businesses by helping them to develop the potential of their ideas. The contributors of their blog are Innovate UK staff and their partners.

Recent popular posts

Strengths and weaknesses in the UK innovation system

What is quantum technology?


Funniest innovation blog: Innovation stories


LI-In-Bug Innovation stories

Twitter_Logo_Blue @Innov_stories

Innovation stories are comics which have been created from observations, interviews and literature on innovation. The comics are based on scientific concepts that are to be found in the Ph.D. thesis “Evaluation and selection of ideas and projects in product development” by Ernesto Gutiérrez.

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