Manage workshops

Written by Jouni Halme | Apr 16, 2020 6:34:02 AM

Once you have created your first workshop, there are several ways that you can manage your workshops and their settings. You have these management tasks available for you

These tasks are available for you only if you are the creator of the workshop. You can see all your own workshops under the heading My Workshops in the home page of Orchidea Workshops app.

Adding and removing participants

Workshop facilitator can add and remove participants after the workshop is created in the Collect -phase. Participants are added by clicking plus sign in the left side of the screen.

Existing participants are removed from the workshop by moving the mouse cursor to the top of the chosen user. When you are hovering the mouse on top of the chosen participant, you are shown her email address and a red minus sign. By clicking the red minus sign you can remove that participant from the workshop.

Modify workshop name, proposal question(s) or add additional description

When you create a workshop with Start new workshop button in the home page, the Proposal phase has only one main question with default question description Write proposal description here. If you want to modify the main question description or add subquestions, you can do it by clicking the three vertical dots in the end of the workshop row in My Workshops list and choosing Settings.

In the appearing windows you can modify the existing questions or add subquestions.

You can also edit the name of the workshop in the same window and add additional longer description to it. The changes are saved by clicking the Save button.

Users can review the workshop name and topic in all workshop phases by clicking the i -sign in the top left corner of the workshop.

Export workshop results

You can export workshop results by clicking the three vertical dots in the end of the workshop row in My Workshops list and choosing Export.

Export is in Microsoft .docx file format which can be opened with widely used office tools like Microsoft Office and Google Docs.

Archive a workshop

Once your workspace is no longer active, you can keep My Workshops list tidy by archiving the inactive workshops. This is done by clicking the three vertical dots in the end of the workshop row in My Workshops list and choosing Archive.

You can view all archived workshops by clicking Archived workshops link in the bottom the home page. You can unarchive a workshop by clicking the three vertical dots in the end of the workshop row in Archived Workshops list and choosing Unarchive.